YouTube * Instagram * Anchor.fm * TikTok. * Google Podcasts * Spotify
For media or guest inquiries, email [email protected]
or DM him on Instagram
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the “It’s Not So Late Show” on Youtube
Hanania’s weekly podcast seeks to educate, inspire and entertain. Hanania brings on a new guest every show to share their story and experiences over Zoom. Topics include music, tips on how to grow on social media, positivity and many others. Hanania breaks from the traditional question and answer format by employing a conversation-based approach.
“In my opinion, too many show hosts use a Q&A format. I’ve been interviewed enough to know that I can predict what I will be asked. I try to stay away from that with my show. I value having a genuine conversation based around my guest’s experience and story.”
Aaron Hanania
In addition to a conversation-based approach, Hanania values both audience and guest enjoyment of the show. Each episode features one of Hanania’s self-created games, ‘Rapid Fire’ and ‘One’s Gotta Go.’ During ‘Rapid Fire’ the invited guest must answer a few simple questions as quickly as they can. During ‘One’s Gotta Go’ the guest must pick one item from a small list that they deem has ‘Gotta Go.’
“I love playing games with my guest because I can tell they enjoy it. That’s what’s important, that everyone is enjoying their experience.”
Aaron Hanania
The show aired in April of 2021 after Hanania worked secretly for two months planning and branding the show. He lined up guests such as Tony Ricca, Ron Jackson and Lizzy O’Very. His goal is to showcase everyday individuals who have an amazing story to share.
“It breaks my heart that the mainstream talk shows only showcase celebrities and well-known people. I created a show with the intent to change that. I want to hear the stories of individuals who’s stories often go unshared and unheard in the public eye.”
Aaron Hanania
The all-time dream with the show is to land a spot on national television.
“I am shooting a big shot, and I know it. I don’t want to be on television for the fame. I want to be on television so that I can share incredible stories of incredible people with the world. Simply put, nobody else is doing it, and I’d be honored to be the first.”
Aaron Hanania
If you have a story to share and would like to be on the ‘It’s Not So Late Show,’ please contact [email protected] or send a direct message to us on instagram @itsnotsolateshow
You can find the ‘It’s Not So Late Show’ on YouTube, Instagram, TikTok, and on Anchor.fm.
Click below to follow the show on various platforms so you don’t miss an episode!
YouTube * Instagram * Anchor.fm * TikTok. * Google Podcasts * Spotify
For media or guest inquiries, email [email protected]